Enterprise Car Club
Sign up today and enjoy your first annual membership for just £10
Plus £10 FREE driving credit!
Use promo code HOVERTRAVEL
Enterprise Car Club allows its members to book and unlock vehicles via their top-rated mobile app 24/7. In partnership with Hovertravel the cars at Ryde are just stone’s throw from the Hovertravel terminal, allowing you to seamlessly disembark, unlock and go. Car Club members can book in advance or on the go, meaning you could even make a reservation as you make your crossing.
Save Money
With Enterprise Car Club you only pay for the time and distance you actually need a vehicle for, meaning you have all the convenience of a vehicle without the hassle and expense of owning one. You can rent by the hour or by the day, and for most membership types your rental is capped at a day rate. What’s more, there’s no deposit to pay and there’s free cancellation up to 5 hours before your rental period begins.
Reserve at a Moment's Notice, 24/7
The cars and vans can be reserved via the app, online or by phone in advance or at the last minute. You can access the vehicles using the app or your access card, or if there's any questions unanswered by the website or app, you can call our Clubhouse support team. And better yet, because you don’t have to wait for a branch to open, your access is 24/7.
Go Green
Car club cars produce 43% less Co2 from tailpipe emissions than the average UK car*. The positive impact is amplified by the fact that each car club car displaces 10.5 private cars* and deferrers 12 private car purchases*. Meaning the more car club wheels that hit the tarmac the fewer cars there are on the roads overall improving air quality and congestion. * https://como.org.uk
- Enterprise Car Club standard terms apply
- Receive first year membership for £10 – offer only valid on standard membership usually priced £60 for a year
- Driving credit is equal to the amount of 2 hours on small/medium vehicles and must be used within 90 days of joining
- Offer is valid until 20/05/2023
- Not valid on under 22 membership plan
- Contact the Clubhouse team at membership@enterprisecarclub.co.uk for more information
- Enterprise, Enterprise Car Club and the “e” logo are trademarks of Enterprise Holdings, Inc. 2018 Enterprise Car Club.